Family Biliteracy Projects
Recently funded by the Department of Education, these projects are in development and aim to inform parents of the significant advantages in maintaining the home language and engage them in heritage language literacy activities utilizing a bilingual digital library. This project empowers families to engage in literacy activities with their children after school or at home. The project will provide training and technical tools to engage them in the use of a bilingual digital library to have conversations about stories that develops heritage language oracy, literacy, and cultural pride. Community members are trained to promote heritage language literacy strategies, facilitate the development of the learning communities and collaborative relationship among schools, families, and community members.
Caregivers will be trained to access culturally relevant stories from an online digital database and to involve their children in dynamic Spanish literacy activities such as shared reading.
*Usero-Gonzales, F. *Sauceda, E., & Aguirre-Muñoz, Z. (2023). Latinx Family Involvement, Role Construction and Children's School Readiness in J. E. Gonzalez, Y. Zou, G. Curtis and J. Liew (Eds.). Family Literacy Practices in Asian- and Latinx Families: A Comparative Look (pp 219-232). Palgrave/McMillan Publishers. Access Paper